Water by the Bridge is one of the season openers for the Midwest Euro Scene and 2015 was kicked off with a great showing. Tickets were sold out weeks before the show with over 500 Euro cars in attendance. The show is held on the wharf right on the Ohio river right in the shadow of the famous bridges that lead into downtown Louisville Kentucky.
Despite the colder than usual weather, tons of cars showed up with icicles dripping off grills and bumpers from the morning wash. Even with blue skies and the bright sun, the bitter cold wind kept people bundled up all day. This didn’t keep everyone from having a good time and catching up with old friends as they showed off the fruits of their winter builds. Some cars were done later than others with some being put back together just the night before the show.
Cars from all over were in attendance, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and more were all represented. Everything from Aircooled VW's to an Audi R8, Porsche to Mini, the show maintained a diverse makeup of European cars. With Water by the Bridge in the books, the midwest has kicked off show season right. If you haven’t been to this show before, mark your calendars for March 2016 because this is not a show you want to miss!